martes, 16 de noviembre de 2021
domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2021
Con la profesora de inglés, Mª Carmen Caballero se ha realizado la actividad: "Y para tí, ¿cómo es Halloween?" También con la colaboración de la profesora de plástica, Carmen Castillejo, se ha decorado la clase.
Un año más,
En estos carteles podemos ver lo que para cada estudiante es Halloween,
No han faltado calabazas,
jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2021
Por fin tenemos a los carteles ganadores en el concurso relacionado con la decoración de nuestro centro para la fiesta de los "Tosantos" y de "Halloween"
Con motivo de la celebración del "Día de los Difuntos", el 2 de noviembre, nuestra profesora de lengua, Ana Belén , junto con los alumnos de PMAR, han recordado a Emilia Pardo Bazán con uno de sus relatos de terror: "La Resucitada", a través de las ondas de RadioTrovi.
Esta célebre escritora del Naturalismo, destacó también como incansable feminista luchando por los derechos de igualdad de la mujer, lo que nos sirve para fomentar el Proyecto de igualdad de nuestro centro y afianzar la presencia de escritoras en nuestra biblioteca.
Para celebrar el "Día europeo de las lenguas", nuestra profesora de francés, Remedios Ponce ha desarrollado una actividad con sus alumnos/as de 1º, 2º y 3º de la ESO. Y aquí presentamos una muestra de esos magníficos trabajos:
Como cada año,
Para participar en esta celebración,
Gracias a sus trabajos,
Desde aquí agradecemos su participación.
"On n'habite pas un pays,
"No habitamos un país,
Aquí tenemos otras leyendas curiosas.
Esperamos que disfrutéis.
An old woman from my town tells that there was a couple who lived in a small house. The woman used to sew at nights while her husband went to the pub. The woman told her husband that every night while she was sewing a cat came to the house and she did not know how it entered, because the doors and windows were closed.
The next night, the husband was sewing when the wife went to sleep.
The cat showed up and said: wow, a man with a beard sewing¡ and man replied: wow, a cat talking¡
Then he hit the cat with a stick and this one ran away.
The next morning,one of the neighbours had a broken arm, so they thought that it was this woman who transformed into a cat at nights.
Celia Puerto 3º B
Around the year 1960, a woman who was very important in the Badajozconvent died and they buried her in Maguilla with all her fortune.
As time went by, the news spreaded around the province and some thieves listened to it and decided to come to Maguilla.
A full moon night, the thieves went to the graveyard to look for her tombstone
but they weren’t able to open the grave.
The next morning, all people said that two men had disappeared when they were
trying to open a grave in the graveyard.Then the villagers began to think that
the nun’s spirit had awakened and killed them.
It is said that every Halloween night the spirit of the nun wakes up to protect
her grave and her fortune.
Alumnado de Maguilla 3º B I.E.S.O. Cuatro Villas
THE ORPHANAGE (Ahillones’ leyend)
Long time ago, there was an orphanage in Ahillones.Many children without
family lived there. Years after closing it, the people from the village didn’t want to walk near there, because they said that they listened to strange
noises, screams, hits on the walls, chains crawling….
The noises were heard repeatedly for a long time and nobody wanted to
live in that street.
Nowadays, this legend tells that those sounds were from a man’s spirit.
Alumnado de Ahillones 3º B I.E.S.O Cuatro Villas
martes, 2 de noviembre de 2021
Los alumnos de 3º y 4º, en la asignatura de inglés, han hecho investigaciones sobre leyendas y costumbres curiosas en sus pueblos, coordinados por su profesora María del Carmen Morillo.
This story begins on a Christmas Eve in 1985 when a girl was born and being very little her father died. The inhabitants of Valverde soon noticed that this girl was different from all the girls of her age.
The holy date she was born seemed to inspire the surprising gift she carried under her arms.
When she put her hands on the muscles of ill people, they healed immediately and nobody know how she did it.
At the age of twelve she could heal people, and she became very famous in the area.
Mónica Caro 3ºA (Valverde de LLerena)
The legend of Santa Catalina says that her hermitage was built this way:
There was a shepherd that worked with his sheep at an area near the village of Berlanga every day. When he finished at night, he went back home with his family. He had a small beautiful daughter.
One day, this shepherd found a doll in the middle of the field while he was working.
He was very happy about this, so he took the doll to give it to his small daughter as a gift. The girl loved the doll and she slept with it very happily, but the next morning the doll disappeared.
When the shepherd was walking with his sheep at the usual place, he found the doll at the same place that he had discovered it the previous day, so he brought the doll to his daughter and the next morning, it disappeared again.
The shepherd thought that the virgin was sending him a message to build the hermitage in honor of Santa Catalina at that place.
Marta Ramos Valencia 4ºA
Every night, a shepherd used to come back from the fields carrying baskets full of olives on his donkey to take them to the mill the next morning.
On his way back home, he passed by the Horno’s fountain and his donkey had a rest and drank water for a while there.
One night, as he was walking by that area, a bright white sheep showed up but it didn’t move. The shepherd was amazed and he thought that it had escaped from a flock of sheep and left it there.
The next day at the same place the same bright white sheep showed up again. Every night it happened again and again until the man shouted at it : Go away¡ But it didn't move, so the shepherd tied it to his donkey to bring it to his home.
The sheep began to resist and broke its leg. The shepherd let it go thinking that it wouldn’t disturb him again.
However, the next day, at the same fountain, he met a man in white clothes with a broken leg who stared at him.
Julián Blanco Barrena 4ºA I.E.S.O. Cuatro Villas